Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Who would the Devil want dead?


Paul like other believers was zealous.

I have heard those who are moving in the gifts of the Holy Ghost, desirous to lead people to Christ, zealous in their love toward God, frustrated, bold, who expose sin, labeled Jezebels. But Jezebel didn't do those things. Jezebel was a pagan (I Kings 16:31).[1] She worshipped gods among the heathen, and Ahab married her.

God hates idolatry. And He judged enemies that enticed others to sin (Leviticus 17:7, Deuteronomy 16:22, 32:17, I Samuel 5:4, Psalm 106:37). Possibly the most recent incident like it that I witnessed involved Freemasonry. Their creed embraces all religions generally speaking, as the Masonic Bible cites,

"The Bible is used among Freemasons as a symbol of the will of God, however it may be expressed. It contains plain teaching for every rank of soul and state in life, which so far as they honestly and implicitly obey, they will be happy and innocent to the utmost powers of their nature, and capable of victory over all adversities, whether of temptation or pain. So much is its importance in Masonic daily life that it is also called one of the 'Three Great Lights of Freemasonry.' In a Lodge consisting entirely of Jews, the Old Testiment alone may be placed upon the Altar, and Turkish Freemasons make use of the Koran. Whether it be the gospels to the Christians, the Pentateuch to the Israelite, the Koran to the Muslem, or the Vedas to the Brahman, it everywhere Masonically conveys the same idea--that of the symbolism of the Divine will revealed to man."[2]

Masonic theology is devout, yet is in conflict with Christianity which acknowledges the divinity of Christ as the only means of salvation (Acts 4:12). Cornelius for example was a very devout man who had been God-fearing, and who God acknowledged, for God sent a dramatic vision, His supernatural intervention, to lead Cornelius to Christ, to give Cornelius understanding, and to introduce Cornelius to the disciples (Acts 10). God did not send him to false gods. God sent him to hear the gospel message and to be saved.

Those agreeing with ideas presented by false gods are in conflict with Christianity. Exemplifying the significance, the acknowledgment of Jesus' divinity gives the revelation (understanding) to operate in His delegated authority. That is authority to stand against demon power, which are devils worshipped in false religion (Leviticus 17:7, I Acts 14:15, 16:16, II Corinthians 6:15, Thessalonians 1:9).

Salvation brings authority to cast out those devils that bring evil (Luke 10:19-20). Jesus is the singular authority, the only way to freedom from their influences. Whereas pagan religions worship devils--in the attempt to appease them, because they cannot control them (Leviticus 17:7, II Thessalonians 2:9, Revelation 9:20, 13:4).

It may sound dramatic, but Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, various religions, are rooted in paganism, or idolatry--rooted behaviors intended to appease demon spirits, while attempting to deal with the problems caused by them. It is the basis of shamanism, a type of witchcraft indicated in scripture, typical among the idolatrous.[3] An integral part of the practices idolatry is appeasement because they have no stance of authority. They cannot cast out demon spirits without acknowledging Christs' name.

Jesus' disciples were commanded to cast out devils. And even an unknown disciple that the others did not appear to know did this (Mark 9:38-42). The endorsement of God upon Jesus' authority is celebrated by believers in Christ and He endorses them in a sense as they raise the dead and cast out devils in His name (Matthew 12:17-21).

For example in demonstration perhaps to the nurse in part God had done this as I laid my hand on my mother and asked God to heal her brain cells in Jesus' name when the nurse had told me the family needed to meet about unplugging her (the nurse walked in as I prayed for my mother). Mom woke by the next morning trying to get out of bed and trying to pull her tubes out, as they had her in restraints when I returned that morning. Signs validate Jesus' authority. If all would be raised from the dead the early disciples would be with us. Yet many were martyred for their faith--as we might. Yet ultimately all will be raised, just as Old Testament saints were raised up at Jesus resurrection, being seen around the holy city of Jerusalem (Matthew 27:52-53). The men in white apparel at Jesus grave and ascension may have been these men (Mark 16:5, Acts 1:10). Jesus ascended, as the firstfruits of the resurrection, and took these dear saints to heaven with Him (Ephesians 4:8, I Corinthians 15:20).

It may be strange to believers in Christ, yet false religion celebrates the demon possession believers renounce and it gives homage to them (as in channeling). This most likely occurred in the cave where Muhammad encountered a spirit, cited as an angel (II Corinthians 11:14).[4] In Islam it is perceived Muhammad channelled a spirit that spoke, Allah, as Muhammad spoke apparently in a strange voice, and dictated what would later be the beginning of the Koran.[5]

Those adhering to the ideas of Muhammad oppose the idea of Jesus incarnation. It is an opposition cited in the New Testament as a heresy to come in the latter days, after the inception of the church (Galatians 1:8-9, II Corinthians 11:14). Muhammad did not emerge until about 620 A.D.[6]

"Both the Bukhari and Muslim Hadiths describe what happened to Muhammad when inspiration came upon him. He heard ringing in his ears, fell to the ground, turned red, sweated profusely, made moaning sounds, spit ran from his mouth, etc. While ancient pagans placed a great deal of importance on such things, they were never a part of the biblical prophets."[7]

The description of what happened to Muhammad describes what occurs in demon possession (Mark 9:20, Matthew 4:10). In Islam they are called "jinn," are feared.[8]

The practices of idolatry in paganism, to attempt to appease demon spirits, are a trap. In all of Earth's history if what these religions were practiced had succeeded in gaining the victory over these devilish powers they already would have. Only Jesus alone could accomplish that feat. And so He did (Ephesians 1).

Paul cast out the spirit of divination for example (Acts 16:16-18). And it brought wrath against him, for the pagans had adjusted their theology to the idea of demon spirits by that time (Leviticus 17:7, I Kings 16:31, Matthew 10:8).

Yet we, through Christ, are in authority over all devils (Ephesians 6:12).

In history, the spirit called "Allah," had been a deity of the pagans before Muhammad.[9] Muslims worshipped, venerated, the black meteorite in Mecca.[10] And it is kissed in hopes of removing sins.[11] It is the reason they bow toward it, bowing toward the black meteorite housed in the Kaaba in a large tent in the city.[12]

Yet, looking in the church, believers in Christ cannot allow heresy that denies Christ, nor the infiltration of idolatry that opposed Jesus, and that Jesus opposed (Revelation 2:20).

Idolatry, for example, of all topics is targeted in the letters to the churches in Revelation highlighting the characteristics of Jezebel (Revelation 2:20). Jezebel did several things:

1) Jezebel worshipped pagan idols (I Kings 16:31)
2) Jezebel killed believers who vocally exposed sin (I Kings 18:4, 13)
3) Jezebel opposed God (Revelation 2:20)
4) Jezebel lied to have a man killed who would not sell out to her husband, setting him up and telling the people he offended God to get it done (I Kings 21:10)
5) Jezebel deliberately tried to get others to sin against God (I Kings 21:7, 15, 25)
6) Jezebel vengefully violently promoted idolatry (I Kings 19:2)
7) Jezebel promoted shamanism, the witchcraft of false religions (II Kings 9:22), the reason she is cited for it in Revelation (2:20); the Hebrew term, kesheph, for witchcraft in the context is derived from a word describing magical spells, vedas (chants), as in Islam, Hinduism, etc., incantations, enchantments, and sorceries used in idolatry [13]; at the black meteorite in Mecca Muslims incite these powers opposed to Christianity; apparently Jezebel did this (II Kings 9:22, Revelation 2:20)
8) Jezebel most likely included in the her rituals involvement in perverse sexuality that is associated with paganism, for God cited churches for fornication in addition to the whoredom of attempting to draw others away from God (I Kings 16:31, Revelation 2:20, 21)

Jezebel was judged for these things (II Kings 9:6-8).

Jezebel hated those who exposed sin and lied about them (I Kings 18:4, 21:3, 10). Jezebel was ungodly.

Jezebel, cited in Revelation for sin, apparently characterized influences of pagan idolatry brought in by some, along with sexual sins and occult influence, as eating meat offered to idols (Revelation 2:20). Pagan idolatry included practices of sexuality included in its rituals, also seen in Satan's influences today.[14] It was in the church at Thyatira (Revelation 2:20, 24).

In my study of false religion, cults and world religions, it becomes evident that the system is hated by God because it had been set forth by the Devil, Lucifer to gain himself worship and destroy men, a goal of Jezebel.

Wherever any is striving to reach men and women for Christ it would not depict Jezebel. Though we may see zealous believers looking for social order, seeking ethical, godly, living conditions, aggressive, praying for revival, being unruly in their zeal, we do not see Jezebel doing any of those things.

Jezebel would have had our zealous young prophets lied on, pilfered and stoned.

[1] Merrill F. Unger, The New Unger's Bible Dictionary (Chicago: Moody Press, 1988), 690.
[2] "Masonic Bible with Covers Carved in Abalone Shell," Phoenixmasonry Masonic Museum; available from _bible_with_abalone_shell.htm; Internet; accessed 13 January 2008.
[3] Mary Pat Fisher, Living Religions, 6th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall), 376. Those spirits which Jesus defeated soundly are identified in nearly all world religions as ogres--jinn (p. 376), devas (p. 76), naga (p. 41), orisa (p. 41), Ameshta Spenta (p. 224), named or no, demons (p. 123), evil spirits (p. 149).

[4] John L. Esposito, The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (New York: Oxford University Press, 2003), 91; H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam (New York: Cornell University Press, 1965), 79; Patrick K. O'Brien, Encyclopedia of World History (New York: Facts On File, 2000), 280. It should be noted that Hadith cite the messenger testing Muhammad on doctrinal issues (Esposito, 91). That is a characteristic of Satan in the garden (Genesis 3:1). The label given later as the angel resulted most likely from contact with the gospel of Luke (Gibb, 79). Muhammad emerged approximately 620 A.D. (O'Brien, 280).

[5] Robert A. Morey, "Is The Qur'an the Word of God?" Chick Publications; available from; Internet; accessed 13 January 2008; H.A.R. Gibb and J.H. Kramers, Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam , 79.

[6] F.L. Cross & E.A. Livingstone, The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 3rd. ed. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2005), 317, 419.
[7] Robert A. Morey, "Is The Qur'an the Word of God?" Chick Publications; available from
[8] Mary Pat Fisher, Living Religions, 6th ed., 376.
[9] "Allah," Infoplease; available from html; Internet; accessed 15 January 2008.
[10] Rev. John Hardon, S.J., "Islam," Catholic Education Resource Center; available from; Internet; accessed 13 January 2008.
[11] "The Black Stone of Mecca," available from html; Internet; accessed 15 January 2008.
[12] "Kaaba," Columbia Encyclopedia; available from; Internet; accessed 11 June 2008.
[13] "Lexicon Results for kesheph (Strong's H3785)," Blue Letter Bible, available from; Internet; accessed 15 January 2008.
[14] Russ Wise, "Satanism: The World of the Occult," Leadership U; available from; Internet; accessed 15 January 2008. It should be noted that having sex with a harem of virgin women is the heaven of the Muslim. Miriam Van Scott, Encyclopedia of Heaven (New York: Thomas Dunne Books, 1998), p. 89; Norman Doidge, "The terrorists and their last-night temptresses," Jewish World Review (8 November 2001); available from; Internet; accessed 1 April 2008.